In Focus: Liquidity Risk Management

A best-practices liquidity risk management program comprises the following documentation:

          Description of the internal liquidity adequacy assessment process (“ILAAP”);

          Description of the liquidity assessment governance process, including the risk appetite statement;

          Quantitative and qualitative liquidity reports provided to senior management;

          Description of the liquidity risk management program, including:

                    - limit and trigger framework;

                    - expected case funding plan;

                    - contingency funding plan;

                    - liquidity transfer pricing methodology;

                    - intraday liquidity risk management;

                    - collateral management;

                    - foreign currency liquidity risk management;

          Reports documenting the results of liquidity stress tests and the consistency of results with the stated risk appetite;

          Description of the stress testing methodology, including assumptions and model validation reports; and a

          Summary of the most-recent Internal Audit or other independent reviews.

Speritas Advisors works with clients to develop or enhance these documents and to synthesize these often disparate documents into a cohesive and thorough liquidity risk management package. We also assist clients in developing individual components, such as key deposit decay assumptions.

risk management services

Speritas advisors can add value quickly and seamlessly

Speritas Advisors can help C-Suite executives and other senior finance, treasury and risk managers adapt to the changing financial and regulatory environment. Our broad business and regulatory experience provides a unique and practical viewpoint on risk management and finance issues. Our approach yields customized processes that reflect the liquidity, capital, complexity, strategy - and people - of each institution.